Time: Composite veneers can be fabricated chair-side while you wait, making them a same-day treatment; you can walk out the same day with a new smile! Porcelain veneers typically require two visits.
Durability: Porcelain veneers are the more durable of the two; porcelain is far stronger than composite resin. Maintained properly, porcelain veneers can last 10-15 years, compared to 5-7 for composite resin.
Aesthetics: Porcelain most naturally replicates human enamel, so it more seamlessly blends in with the rest of your natural teeth and looks more natural. The translucent properties of porcelain allow the veneer to catch light extremely similar to the way a natural tooth does. Furthermore, porcelain is stain-resistant, while composite resin will stain just like natural teeth.
Cost: Composite resin is more affordable, which can be a deciding factor if cost is an issue. Porcelain is more expensive because the placement takes more time, expertise, and resources.